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MRCOG exam:​


The Part 1 MRCOG exam has now been postponed to the 26th September 2020

Part 1 communication word document



The Part 2 MRCOG exam has been postponed to the 27th September 2020

Part 2 communication word document

ARCP communication from Deputy Head of school Sonji Clarke:



Dear Colleagues in LSSOG,

First of all I want to thank those of you who continue to do sterling work on behalf of our Women and the NHS in general.

I know that some of you have now been re-deployed to serve other areas and  we would like to reassure you that there is a potential for you to develop transferable skills that will benefit you and our specialty in the future.


We also absolutely have to thank those of you who have temporarily returned from our research and other OOPs to assist in our fight against the ravages of covid on our communities, women and hospitals. We really appreciate the sacrifices that you all have made. We also appreciate the hard work and collegiality that has be


For those worried about the effect on their training and ARCPs, you are technically on a training programme pause and as soon as we know what is taking place we will provide the information.


To all of the TPDs and college tutors thank you so much for all of you hard work in sorting out rotas and programme rotations, in a very difficult and fast changing environment. Greg, and I and our admin salute you!!!

Greg and I are available to talk if needed. Take care everyone and keep safe.


Best wishes


Dr Sonji Clarke

Deputy Head London School of  Obstetrics and Gynaecology



ARCP letter and document


Subspecialty Training and Covid communication


Dear colleagues

We hope this finds you all well despite the current professional and personal challenges. 


The impact of COVID-19 has of course raised concerns for you. Many of you have been redeployed while services are reconfigured, elective operating ceased and IVF units closed. To lose weeks or perhaps months of training in a 2-year clinical programme is a big knock. It occurs at a time when we were already discussing training extensions for surgical subspecialties.


It also disrupted our March round of SST assessments, we apologise that some assessments were delayed as they had to be completed online using the new ePortfolio. The upside is that you know exactly where you were in training pre-COVID, which will be useful for future calculations.  Please use this time to record your new skills and your reflections.


We have you all in mind and will make every effort to ensure that you are not disadvantaged. Please email Srdjan through the office with your concerns. The Education leads of the RCOG are communicating with national education bodies on the handling of training and assessment during the current pandemic, and Melanie contributed to this on your behalf. Please keep an eye on the RCOG website, and we will keep you updated.


with best wishes


Melanie                           Srdjan 


Melanie Davies              Srdjan Saso

Chair                                Trainee Representative


Subspecialty Training Committee, RCOG



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